For those attending ApollyCon 2020…
Hey, everyone. I’m popping back online, because I just got word that ApollyCon 2020, and other mass gatherings of 1000 or more people in the D.C. area, have been affected due to COVID-19. Please see Jennifer Armentrout’s post here—>
I know the organizers did not come to this decision lightly, and even though we’re all disappointed, we understand that it was a decision they didn’t want to make, but it’s what’s best to keep us all safe and healthy.
If you pre-ordered books from me…your refunds will be processed in the next few days! Please look for them in your Paypal. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. Do not comment here with questions. Email is the quickest way to reach me.
If you ordered signed books through ApollyCon’s virtual signing, I’ve sent book plates to them to be included with your order. Those are being mailed by the organizers as promised.
If you would still like to order signed books, please place your order again through my online shop once your refund comes in from your pre-order. I debated emailing all of the attendees who pre-ordered to see who would like a refund and who would still like their books shipped, but with over a hundred pre-orders, this would’ve been a bit of a nightmare sorting through all the correspondence. The easiest thing for all of us is for me to just issue refunds, and if you like, you can place another order through my shop. I will include complimentary swag on all orders that aren’t shipped Media Mail. (Unfortunately, the US postal service won’t allow anything other than books in packages shipped media mail, so if you’d like swag, please don’t choose that shipping option.)

And PLEASE be patient as orders are filled. I have already shipped most of my stock to D.C. and now need to wait to get it returned. If you order in my shop, please allow a couple of extra weeks for processing. <3
As of right now, Music City with the Belles and Book Bonanza are still moving forward, as well as my attendance to these events.
If you have any other questions about ApollyCon, please direct those to the event organizers.
Again, I’m so sorry it came to this. I was prepared to board the plane with my Clorox wipes and tough it out 😉 , but this was beyond anyone’s control.
If you have any further questions for me, please email me at [email protected]. Again, your refunds will be processed in the next few business days. Thank you and stay safe.